Know when things... 

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Quick Install Linux/MacOS

Login or Sign-up for the service, then run this command as the user that will automatically login after reboot. It doesn't need to be root! Please follow the instructions on the screen.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

What is Detectdrop?

First a story.

I bought a remote property with a propensity for power outages from time to time - typically, during freezing cold winters. No cell reception and low-bandwidth Internet access. It took hours to get to. When purchased, there was no backup generator. So I put in a generator with automatic failover. All was well. So I thought.

Shortly after putting in the generator, my power went out, but I didn't know. My generator ran for over a week and I found out when I showed up for a scheduled trip to the property. In short, I needed a cheap, low bandwidth, dependable way to know when either Internet or power went out.

That was when Detectdrop was born.

Think of Detectdrop as a deadman switch for any Internet connected server.

If your server loses power and comes back on? You will get an email notification that it power-cycled.

Did your internet go out? You will get an email notification after a certain amount of time, that you define - a period as low as 10 seconds up to a day, with no Internet connection.

How does it work?

Prerequisites: Internet access and a server.

This server can be a windows computer, an Apple computer (not iphone), linux server, or an IoT device like a Raspberry Pi. The computer you choose will need to be configured to reboot automatically. It could be a cheap computer you have laying around or an enterprise device that you never want to go down! I personally use Raspberry Pi devices for this. They are low power, wifi enabled linux computers, that automatically reboot with power cycles.

The agent will check in every couple seconds. When it doesn't check-in after your set time, you will receive an email with the UTC time that you lost connection. Upon re-connection you will receive an email with the time of latest check in. These alerts will go to the email account you sign up with.

You can also check your license page for last check in times.


Try for free for 3 weeks, no credit card required.

For one license: $1/month.

For bulk, login/sign-up and see the pricing schedule.